
The federal government and most large private employers subsidize the company healthcare plans. Many private employers provide a 70% - 30% premium cost split. Any employee of a private business that joins a NHB plan would receive exactly the same subsidy as a federal employee would for the same plan. On average the federal subsidy is 70%.

Good for Small Business owners and employees

Unfortunately, the historical approach to providing worker benefits has created an enormous and growing problem for small business. Simply stated, small businesses can’t afford to subsidize premiums at the same level as large company’s and stay in business. Profit margins are generally too small and for some startups, there are no profits in the early years. Currently, it is reported that about 60% of the small businesses do not offer any healthcare insurance to their employees. Even when offered, many find the employee does not participate because it is “too costly.” Individuals are priced out the market. The result is that a significant segment of our society has either limited plans or no plans at all.

Quality health insurance must be made affordable for employees of small businesses. The NHB plan would exempt employers with less than 50 employees from paying the employer share of the plan premium. The exemption would start to phase out at 51 employees growing to 100% phase out at 500 employees.


With these simple changes, all citizens would have access to health insurance provided by a free market, competitively selected, private plan of their choice.

  • All receive the same benefits for the same plan regardless of income

  • All select a plan that matches their unique health needs

  • Health Insurance becomes portable like a 401K

  • Employees of small businesses are guaranteed access to multiple, quality health insurance

  • All employees will contribute to their healthcare costs

  • Safety Net: People without insurance, unable or too young to work, are eligible for Medicaid

The social impact of providing lower cost, quality health insurance of choice that matches the individual needs of every citizen is hard to overstate. With bipartisan cooperation, the benefits of creating a portable fair healthcare plan for the public would be enormous.