Affordable Healthcare for Everyone
The federal government, like private employers, makes a benefits package available to its employees.
Over its 60 year history, the Federal Employees Health Benefit (FEHB) program has evolved to provide excellent affordable health benefits to all federal employees be they young, old, retired, healthy, sick, rich or poor.
No one can be denied access. There are no waiting periods. For decades it has included two of the most desirable provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) - acceptance of people with preexisting conditions and allowing parents to keep their children on their plan to age 26. The plan is portable; you can take it with you like a 401K, even into retirement. A minimum of 11 different plans are available regardless of your ZIP code. The NHB plan includes great provisions for small business owners and employees.
The program is based on a free market competitive approach to qualifying and selecting plans from those offered by private insurance companies.